Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My new website

Hey!!! check out my new website the url is

Friday, June 5, 2009


The Japanese whalers each year kill hundreds of whales!!!!!! Paul Watson is a great man and last year was shot by Japanese whalers, thank god he was wearing a bullet proof vest! Also last year he and his crew have saved almost 500 whales. Please support the SEA SHEPARD'S.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Nerf Longshot

Hey guys, it's me and this is my first review. This review is on the Nerf Longshot. This is a great gun, but it does have some down sides. First, this gun has good firing range, but it does have a tendency to get jammed a lot. My friend has this gun and when he was firing, the Nerf bullet got stuck in the middle. My advice is to get the new 2009 Nerf sniper rifle.


Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I hope you like this , and remember to leave comments on reviews you want me to do. Also, I'll be posting about upcoming events and cool things that are coming up.